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Showing posts from November, 2015

Set Up Test Data for an Entire Test Class

Use test setup methods (methods that are annotated with @testSetup) to create test records once and then access them in every test method in the test class. Test setup methods can be time-saving when you need to create reference or prerequisite data for all test methods, or a common set of records that all test methods operate on. Test setup methods can reduce test execution times especially when you’re working with many records. Tes t setup methods enable you to create common test data easily and efficiently. By setting up records once for the class, you don’t need to re-create records for each test method. Also, because the rollback of records that are created during test setup happens at the end of the execution of the entire class, the number of records that are rolled back is reduced. As a result, system resources are used more efficiently compared to creating those records and having them rolled back for each test method @isTest private class CommonTestSetup { @

New Salesforce Certifications for 2015

Over the past couple of years Salesforce has been very busy formalising a program for its certifications, and so was born, Salesforce U. Salesforce University handles with all of the training as well as the many exams and assessments methods that come with the certifications. When I first started taking my certifications in 2012, there were 4 main certifications routes, Administrator, Developer, Consultant & Technical Architect (For me I kind of think of these as the “classic” routes). As the ecosystem grows and new products come into the limelight, the certification types and routes need to change. Over the past couple of years (mainly 2015), Salesforce has gone through a big transformation of its routes and certifications in order to fit it around their long term strategy. This does make a lot more sense but for people that are used to the “Classic” routes, it can be a bit confusing, let’s take a look at some of the new certifications and routes… Platform App Builder Th