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52 C Shell Commands And Their Function!

Ready to try your hands on the C Shell? These commands may come in handy!

The C shell (csh), which is the improved version of tcsh, is a Unix shell (on majority of platforms), which was created by Bill Joy when he was graduating in University of California, Berkeley in the late 1970s. Introduced in the 2BSD release of the BSD Unix system, the C shell has gained popularity and is now spread far and wide. So, if you have decided to try your hands on this popular shell, here are 52 commands and their functions to help you through.Please note that Shell commands differ in usage and syntax from one type of shell to another and the commands mentioned here are listed for general references. You can always refer to the man command to see how the command will work in a particular shell.

#Marks a command.
breakswUse this to Break from a switch command the running commandresumes after the endsw command.
fgBrings a job in the foreground.
chdirChanges directory, same as cd.
cdChanges directory.
niceChanges the priority of commands run in the shell.
caseConditionally performs a command
gotoContinues execution after the specified label.
aliasCreate an alias.
unsetenvDeletes variables of environment.
unsetDeletes variables of shell.
unhashDisables the internal hash table.
hashstatDisplays the statistics of hash table.
setDisplays or set the value of a shell variable.
@Displays or set the values of all the shell variables.
historyDisplays the history list.
dirsDisplays the list of directories in a stack.
timeDisplays the time used to execute commands.
evalEvaluates a command.
pushdExchanges the top two elements of the directory stack.
ifExecutes a command if condition met.
execExecutes the command in the current shell.
while ...endExecutes the commands while matching end statements repeatedly.
exitExits the shell.
nohupIgnores the hangup signal.
jobsLists active jobs.
loginLogs on.
logoutLogs out.
notifyNotifies the user about changes in job status.
popdPops the top directory off the directory stack and changes to the new top directory.
rehashRe-computes the hash table from the contents of the directories in the path shell variable.
sourceReads commands from a script.
unaliasRemoves command alias.
unlimitRemoves limitations on system Resource.
repeatRepeats the execution of a command.
continueResume the next iteration of a loop or continues after loop
breakResumes execution after the loop.
killSends a signal to a process. term (terminate) is the default signal.
bgSends the job to background.
setenvSets environment variables.
limitSets or list system resource limits.
shiftShifts shell arguments.
umaskShows or set file permissions.
foreachSpecifies a looping control statement and execute a sequence of commands until reaching an end command.
defaultSpecifies the default case in a switch.
switchStarts a switch.
stopStops a background job.
suspendStops the current shell.
onintrTells the shell what to do on interrupt.
waitWaits for background jobs to complete.
globWrites arguments to the standard output of the shell, like the echo command, but without the new line.
echoWrites arguments to the standard output of the shell.


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